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The most wonderful time of the year...

The decorations are now up and the Christmas music is blaring from every shop. The festive season is now definitely upon us.

With so many different things to plan ahead for and organise, Christmas can be a hectic time of the year for many business owners.

There is the usual workload to get through and then the parties to organise and attend, Christmas cards to write and send, travel to organise and presents to buy and wrap. Then there are the emails to send, blogs to write and update, invoices to send, Twitter to schedule and that client who left you a message a few days ago to get back in touch with. All these extra tasks can lead many people to wonder if there is truly enough hours in the day.

This is where we come in, as Santa's little helpers, we are here to organise and plan all those tasks that are taking up your evenings and weekends on the run up to Christmas and beyond. We can do all your general admin, write relevant and current marketing content, organise presents, write cards and do any online research that is required.

We will dedicate as many hours of virtual assistance as your business requires. We will be on hand to help with all those tasks that are stressing you out over the Christmas period and beyond.

We can also be on hand over the holidays and get back to any enquiries that come in via your email or messaging services and get you organised, so you go into 2017 refreshed and motivated with your diary organised and all those tasks from the year before done and dusted.

So treat yourself this Christmas and let us help you get organised, so you can go out there and have some festive fun!

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