How to use emotions to your advantage when selling

For most items that we purchase there is some sort of emotional reaction to why we buy that specific item.
Good salespeople will already know this and understand that people buy through emotional attachment rather than logical thinking. The decision to purchase an item can be down to the prestige that it will bring to you, security or it may bring back good memories.
If you are a bit of a bargain hunter then you will love trawling through the rails of Primark and TK Maxx for that bargain. When you wear that item, you feel good because you think you got a great deal.
If you like quality, then you will more than likely shop at House of Fraser or Selfridges (if you have one near to where you live). When purchasing a quality, luxury item it will make you feel special and add a bit of prestige to your life.
For me it is the make-up that I buy. I love L’Oréal as it reminds me of trying make-up as a teenager and having a laugh with my friends. It is also the only brand that I have used.
With my partner he loves his Gillette razor, as again it is the only brand he has ever used, and he likes the close shave it has always given him, it also doesn’t irritate his skin.
Neither of us will be persuaded to buy another brand because we have an emotional attachment to those items. I am sure that the other brands on the market are just as good, but because these brands create happy memories and we know they just work we are unlikely to change.
It is a fact that when we need to make a purchasing decision, the emotions we have had from past purchases come into effect. It is these emotions that help us make our final decision.
So, when you are selling your product or service you need to look for the human emotion that it will stir up and align your sales process to tap into your customers emotional side.
Sales expert Geoffrey James has stated that these 6 feelings are what all our purchasing decisions come down to:
Greed. "If I make a decision now, I will be rewarded."
Fear. "If I don't make a decision now, I'm toast."
Altruism. "If I make a decision now, I will help others."
Envy. "If I don't make a decision now, my competition will win."
Pride. "If I make a decision now, I will look smart."
Shame. "If I don't make a decision now, I will look stupid."
Remember, you are there to help your customers with a problem that they have so you need to listen to their problem or desire and look at the emotions that come with this.
Also, if you create a wonderful purchasing experience and connect emotionally with your customers, your product or service will have created a lovely memory. This means that in the future the emotions of that happy purchasing experience will lead them back to you and they will expect that high-quality service that they received the previous time again and again.
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