Why Learning New Technology is Vital
When I first started up my business Spiral Orange, I initially thought that the upkeep of writing a blog and social media marketing was a...
Get organised to get ahead.
Is your paperwork piling up, do you know what appointments you have lined up for next week and when did you last go through your emails?...
The Digital Detox Challenge
Do you wake up every morning to an over flowing inbox, which is usually filled up with 50% junk emails from companies you either don’t...
The importance of great branding.
If you are a small business, you may not see the “importance of branding". Many small businesses see branding as only important for...
Ways that a Virtual Assistant can help you!
When I started up my Virtual Assistant business, which is based in the UK, many people I knew or interacted with online asked me ‘What is...
4 reasons why you should hire a professional CV writer.
Why should I pay to have my CV professionally written? This is a question that I am frequently asked and the answer is that by having...
Is social media worth the time and effort?
If I said on its own social media isn’t worth the effort, would this surprise you? Many small businesses have this belief that if they...
Are you a small business struggling to get a digital marketing presence?
Digital marketing - affordable social media management and website design
How to write content that creates a buzz
I’ve thought in the past is it worth the headache of obsessing over how to start and end B2B written content. It doesn’t matter if it is...
Essential Marketing ideas for small businesses
As a small business owner, it's important to get the word out about what you do and the louder you shout the more people will know about...